Premiere Manager Novanta Nove Europe

Unlike the data update that is PM98, Ninety Nine (the actual title of the game) uses Dinamics' PC FĂștbol 6 engine to go along the obligatory 1998-99 squad updates. Among the new features, it is now possible to make more than one player bid at the same time, more frequent and detailed staff messages, player history to track down previous seasons, a full 3D match engine and a 2D radar view (replacing the old text mode) and finally merchandising and catering, and individual adboard management. The detailed database is still there, and so are the Manager and Pro-Manager modes. Only the English leagues are playable still and Kevin Keegan, Fulham and then soon-to-be England manager, endorsed the title.

Release Month:9
Release Year:1999
Developer:Gremlin Interactive
Publisher:Gremlin Interactive